Imaging in Paris Seminar

Parisian Seminar on the Mathematics of Imaging

Welcome to the website of the Parisian Seminar on the Mathematics of Imaging !

The goal of this seminar is to cover the fields of the mathematics of imaging in a very wide sense (including for instance signal processing, image processing, computer graphics, computer vision, various applications and connections with statistics and machine learning). It is open to everyone. It takes place at Institut Henri Poincaré on the first Tuesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Each seminar is composed of two presentations.

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Upcoming seminars

Click on the title to read the abstract.

Marien Renaud (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)
October 1st 2024, 14h, room Maryam Mirzakhani (Bat Borel, 2nd floor).
Title: Plug-and-Play image restoration with Stochastic deNOising REgularization
Abstract: Plug-and-Play (PnP) algorithms are a class of iterative algorithms that address image inverse problems by combining a physical model and a deep neural network for regularization. Even if they produce impressive image restoration results, these algorithms rely on a non-standard use of a denoiser on images that are less and less noisy along the iterations, which contrasts with recent algorithms based on Diffusion Models, where the denoiser is applied only on re-noised images. We will introduce a new PnP framework, called Stochastic deNOising REgularization (SNORE), which applies the denoiser only on images with noise of the adequate level. It is based on an explicit stochastic regularization, which leads to a stochastic gradient descent algorithm to solve ill-posed inverse problems. A convergence analysis of this algorithm and its annealing extension will be presented. Experimental results, competitive with respect to state-of-the-art methods, will be shown on deblurring and inpainting tasks.

Samuel Vaiter (CNRS, LJAD Université Côte d'Azur)
November 5th 2024, 14h, room Maryam Mirzakhani (Bat Borel, 2nd floor).
Title: Successes and pitfalls of bilevel optimization in machine learning
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce bilevel optimization (BO) as a powerful framework to address several machine learning-related problems, including hyperparameter tuning, meta-learning, and data cleaning. Based on this formulation, I will describe some successes of BO, particularly in a strongly convex setting, where strong guarantees can be provided along with efficient stochastic algorithms. I will also discuss the outstanding issues of this framework, presenting geometrical and computational complexity results that show the potential difficulties in going beyond convexity, at least from a theoretical perspective.

Anna Starynska (Rochester Institute of Technology)
November 5th 2024, 15h, room Maryam Mirzakhani (Bat Borel, 2nd floor).
Title: Supervised erased ink detection in damaged palimpsested manuscripts
Abstract: Transcribing a historical manuscript is a tedious task, especially in the case of palimpsests, where the sought text was erased and overwritten with another text. Recently, advancements in deep learning text recognition models, especially in multimodal large language models, have raised hopes for future automatization of this process. However, the two issues have prevented this progress so far. First, the absence of sufficient ground-truth data. Historical texts transcription platform Transkribus, estimates that approximately 20-30 pages of transcribed pages are required for training a model, which is already a very difficult task for historians. We assume that was meant for an undamaged manuscript, since remarks are made about enlarging the dataset in case of more variations. Second is the extreme damage to the text, which pushes us to image text in more complex modalities than a simple image scan. Thus, instead of capturing the text image, the push was made to capture the chemical composition of materials. One of the most popular systems for this became multispectral imaging systems. While it will not capture the chemical composition, it reveals the difference in the spectrum of materials. However, until recently, msi palimpsest imaging systems lacked the data standardization procedures that created perturbation unrelated to the data composition, enabling the usage of the text transcription model on raw data. However, more and more attempts are being made to apply the standardization of multispectral imaging. This will allow us not only to create substantial data collection but also to unleash the potential presented by multispectral imaging. Our goal in this work is to test the capacity of neural network to detect the traces of undertext.

Andrés Almansa (MAP5, Université Paris Cité)
December 3rd, 2pm, room Amphi Yvette Choquet-Bruhat (Bat Perrin).

Stanislas Strasman (LPSM, Sorbonne Université)
December 3rd, 3pm, room Amphi Yvette Choquet-Bruhat (Bat Perrin).

Thomas Moreau (INRIA Saclay)
January 7th, 2pm, room Amphi Yvette Choquet-Bruhat (Bat Perrin).

Émile Pierret (IDP, Université d'Orléans)
January 7th, 3pm, room Amphi Yvette Choquet-Bruhat (Bat Perrin).

Gabriel Peyré (DMA, École Normale Supérieure)
June 3rd, 2pm, room Amphi Yvette Choquet-Bruhat (Bat Perrin).

Previous seminars of 2024-2025

The list of seminars prior to summer 2024 is available here.



The seminar is hosted by IHP, and supported by the RT-MAIAGES and Télécom Paris.